Fire protection products help governments and businesses to guard their infrastructure, buildings, and communities from forest fires. When wildfires threaten to undo your community, having the right fire protection products can protect existing infrastructure and give confidence to your city.
Firefighting gel provides fire protection for assets, buildings, and communities by forming a fire repellent gel barrier on the exterior of the structures.
Fire gel is non-toxic and an important addition to your fire safety system. When protecting your community from the deadly effects of wildfire, you don't want to expose people, animals, and plants to deadly chemicals that could cause them adverse health conditions.
Our natural fire retardant spray gel for forest fires is non-toxic and made of food grade products that biodegrade when washed off. Firefighting departments will need to follow best practices for using firefighting gel to make sure that it is effective in its fire suppression.
Fire Retardant Spray Features
- Provides 24 hours or more of fire protection
- Made of superabsorbent polymers that absorb water
- Easily transported to dangerous wildfire zones
Fire Retardant Spray Benefits
- Non-toxic and safe for humans and animals
- Fast and easy to apply in emergency situations
- Biodegradable and easy to wash off
Fire Retardant Spray for Forest Fires
Firefighting Gel Applications
Barricade firefighting gel has specific fire protection products for wildfire applications, including the bucket applicator for a fire hose and a quick-attack mobile and flexible nozzle for emergency applications. Firegel can be used by fire fighters and fire departments with a fire safety system to keep wildfires from destroying precious buildings and infrastructure. Fire repellent gel can be easily carried by firefighters into the dangerous wildfire zones to protect structures and environments easily and quickly.
Firefighters will need to spray firefighting gel in an even, thick layer on walls and windows to provide superior fire protection. The protective coating of fire retardant gel spray provides protection for 24 hours or even longer depending on weather and fire conditions. Barricade firefighting gel will need to be misted with water while it is protecting your buildings and structures.
Contact us with any questions about our firefighting gel.