Whether you're looking for a seasonal or long-term solution to protect your beach from sargassum (also known as Sargasso), seaweed, blue-green algae, or red brown tides, we have the answers you need. We provide seaweed boom for beach resorts, hotels, and parks to contain, exclude, or deflect sargassum, seaweed, algae, and debris before it reaches the shoreline. Floating seaweed barriers are an effective method of floating debris containment and aquatic weed and sargassum control to keep beaches clean - protecting your investment and the environment with a floating barrier.
Use either of these boom barrier solutions to successfully keep beaches clean.
- Seasonal Floating Boom - for seasonal (non-permanent) beach protection
- Semi-Permanent Floating Boom - for longer term or rough water applications
Depending on how and where you place your algae barrier, seaweed booms can be used for aquatic weed control in one of three ways:
- Deflection: position the seaweed boom to prevent the entry of sargassum and to deflect it away from your location
- Diversion: divert the sargassum seaweed to a specific location
- Containment: capture and contain the seaweed for removal